Saturday, March 21, 2009

San Diego, CA

I want to move to California... if I find a job, I'm gone... I'm sick of winters, I'm sick of potholes and crappy roads, I can count my friends on one hand (that I hang out with on a semi-regular basis), I'm not going to meet a girl her and I don't want to meet a girl here, the job market is aweful here... I think I've just lived in Indiana for 21 years and it's time to move somewhere else.

And I want a new job by the end of the summer anyways. Mine isn't horrible but I am stuck unless I get a Masters... I still have zero desire to really return to school. So, we'll see. I don't know why but that's the only thing that has really gotten me excited since August is the thought of moving out there. I've never wanted to move anywhere before, I've been perfectly content here until I went out there for my brother's wedding.

So, we'll see. If God wants it to happen, it'll happen. I would have to make a certain amount but I already have several opportunities for places to rent (which is really weird) soooo...


Alissa said...

I say go for it!! I agree that you need to get out of Indiana, even if it's just for a few years. Leap!!!

JR Hart said...

Meh... I'm about as unmotivated as can be... Realism kicks in and I realize I won't get a job in CA...