I am going to New England at the end of June, for the 4th of July. I think I'm going to throw a Boston Tea Party!
On that note, did you know that are lame government taxes canceled debts? The whole reason debts get canceled (aka settling on credit cards) is cuz you don't freaking have the money to pay it off to begin with. So what does our delightful "Democracy" do? Tax it. That's right.
I love the fact that our government was founded on the fact that people wanted out from under the horrible British rule. A big reason for that? Taxes. Now, we get taxed on everything. They are even talking about raising taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, probably gas, and even adding one onto sugary drinks. Next thing you know, they'll measure your lung capacity and tax you for the air you breath. I probably won't be alive but at some point, if Christ has not returned, our government will be overthrown by a public who is so sick of being screwed over. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter. All wealthy, all liars, and all have the budgeting sense of a 13 year old. If somebody continued to get in debt, would you give them money to help them out? Would you loan money to somebody who would just throw it away? If our government continues to get in more and more debt and can't manage the budget of our nation, why should we continue to give them money?
If it wasn't for the verse that says give to Ceaser's, what is Ceaser's... I wouldn't pay it. $200 wasted cuz the government is greedier than a tax collector...