Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It's a little unsettling being in this wonderful, healthy relationship that I've found myself in. I don't know if it's my maturity, spiritual growth, or finding somebody that fits with my personality. A combination of all three is probably correct (though my level of maturity may be up for debate).

I haven't talked about her, and us, a whole lot, more out of a fear for it inevitably ending and then having everyone around you watch it fail. When in the past I've wanted to "show off" who I was with, in this one I've been much more tight-lipped about it, haven't introduced her to my friends or coworkers, etc. Maybe cuz so many have failed in the past.
The approach for this one has been handled differently. A foundation of spiritual growth has really been established and we are open and communicate frequently on our relationships with God. We are going through a devotional guide together which encourages some of these conversations.
It's definitely forcing me to trust in God and his plan because there are numerous parts to it that require his help, such as transitioning from a single bachelor to husband and father of three (which is hopefully far away...). I'm definitely not in a rush to move into either of those roles. Step #1 is finding a job in NH and potentially moving there but I've been reluctant to head in that direction. The past places a healthy fear on the future, in other words.
Anyways, it's been incredible so far...