Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You Need a Reproduction License

I just want to say that people who abandon their kids really have a special punishment awaiting them. Man or woman, if you give up on your kids in some way, you seriously suck. What gives somebody the right to have that responsibility and not care at all? Well, in our society, that is your automatic right.

In order to drive a car, you need to obtain a permit, get some practice in, and then you can get a license. To legally drive, you must have a license. But guess what! To become a parent, all you need to do is... have sex. You can go out right now and either get pregnant, or impregnate someone, with no special certificate, license, diploma, permit, card, or degree. You can be the biggest jackass in the world and become a mother or father.

People might argue that they government would be taking a person's right away. If I don't have the right to drive a car without a license, why does somebody have the right to become a parent (and allegedly take care of that child for 18 years) without a license? There are many, many people who should not be reproducing.

From the jerk who gets a girl pregnant and then wants nothing to do with her or the child to the drug addict who pimps out their toddler for sex so they can get drug money to the girl who gets pregnant just to keep her loser boyfriend around to the dad who is too busy at work to spend time with his son to the mother who is too busy drinking to take her daughter to the mall. I could keep going and going.

Call me a communist but the more I work in this industry, the more I'm in favor of some sort of screening process for people to become parents. That probably is a step in the direction of a THX 1138 or Equilibrium type of controlled society but... I don't know. All I had to take was a 24 question quiz to get a motorcycle permit. Then there is a an actual riding test to get a license. Same goes for a car.

You can kill somebody in either vehicle. And you can kill somebody as a parent. Or completely screw them up for the rest of their lives... but yet anybody can do it.

PS: It's always the people who shouldn't be reproducing that have the most kids...


cindylou said...

omgosh i totally agree. my mom came up with a good idea since she works in the school system: if your child does not pass the istep tests, then you should not get to deduct the child on your taxes. that being said, there are many strings attached since there are many children with learning disabilities but i think it could be worked out. makes sense, too. if you're not putting effort into your childs schooling or into them at all, why should you get to claim them as dependents?


JR Hart said...

Haha, that's a good idea too. They can't be called dependents if they aren't dependent on you for anything, such as parenting or help with homework.