Ok, I devised this diabolical plan to wait for Kate in the office and scare her. I thought it through for quite some time and it all came together this morning. I came into work a couple minutes early, parked my car all the way around the block, went into work and locked the door behind me and kept the lights off. And I had my Jason mask with me...
...so Kate shows up and turns the light on in the main office and then goes into her office which is in the front. Well, I'm waiting in our boss's office in the back so I run out into her office and just yell really loud. She screams, a look of complete horror on her face, jumps back, and throws her hands up. She actually started to scar me cuz of the utter terror on her face.
Ahhh, it was classic. One of the best moments of the year. I almost got some keys thrown in my face. It was just... awesome. Love ya, Kate!
Inhabiting Gratitude
13 years ago
Oh that is just onery! You're lucky she did not have pepper spray or something. I did not know you had a blog, why didn't you tell me?
Sorry. I changed my blog not that long ago. And I just started posting in this one...
And yeah, I'm lucky I didn't get a face full of mase or tased, haha!
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